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I want to tell you a little about what I think of parrots.
I’ve always thought of the parrot as a bird that talks like a charter box, is always in a cage, and is quite annoying, however, this isn’t the case.
Many people think the same way, but they have little knowledge of parrots.
I have always seen parrots used in ancient movies and one of my favorites is Aladdin.
Oh yeah! Parrots also appear in movies that involve pirates.
I think apart from dogs, parrots are one of the most faithful pets you can have.
There are many fun facts about parrots that are yet to be found, which will be revealed in this article.
Parrots are the most popular bird pets in the world, and since they are so profitable, many people now engage in the parrot trade.
Wild parrot numbers have been reduced due to trapping for the pet trade, as well as other hunting, habitat loss, and competition with exotic species.
Recent conservation measures have aided in the reduction of this problem.
History of Parrots
The origin of parrots dates back to 327 BC.
They were first seen in Europe during the reign of Alexandra the Great.
At this time, Alexandra was at war with the Indians, and when he defeated India, he took parrots back as war booty.
The Romans fell in love with these birds and trained them as pets.
Parrots, however, became scarce when the Roman empire fell.
But toward the early 15th century, another person named Christopher brought parrots back when he visited America.
Domestication of parrots started as far back as the early 15th–17th centuries as many Europeans traveled around the world.
Although not all species of parrots are domestic, some are really wild.
Apart from parrots, they brought many other animals to their territories.
Different territories used the parrot for different purposes.
The aristocrats of grace kept the parrots as pets and kept them in their temples.
The Romans considered those who owned parrots to be aristocrats.
Towards the 17th century, pirates became associated with parrots.
Parrot selling thus became a very lucrative business for the pirates.
It’s no surprise that pictures of pirates with a strand of parrot feather on their hat or a parrot on their shoulders are common.
During World War 1, parrots played a vital role in helping soldiers when the enemies approached.
The parrot has a strong sense of hearing and could detect when enemy aircraft were approaching.
Fun Facts about Parrots

The parrot is a very interesting bird that has kept many in awe for ages.
Some of the fun facts about parrots are:
- Parrots belong to the Psittaciformes family and have over 372 species. Some species of parrots are wild, while some are domestic and can be kept as pets.
Some parrots that can be kept as pets are:
- The African greyhound
- Cockatoos
- Amazon parrots
- Conure parrots
- Burrowing parrots
- Eclectus parrots
- Scarlet Macaw
- Macaw (blue and gold)
- Rose breathed cock.
- They are very intelligent and have very smart brains.
A team of neuroscientists in Canada carried out a study on the brain capacity of parrots and discovered that the neutral circuit of the parrots’ brains is similar to the human brain, which is why it is responsible for their smartness.
- Parrots can also do basic mathematics.
- They can mimic dance steps and even come up with their own dance steps.
Their intelligence can also be attributed to their quest for survival.
- Some species of parrots can imitate human sounds even though they do not have normal vocal tracts.
Parrots do not have vocal cords; rather, they make sounds by air flowing into their throat muscles.
Parrots are vocal learners; they can repeat a sound and sing it over and over again.
Human beings have a larynx, but parrots have a syrinx.
The syrinx is located close to the trachea.
- The female parrot is called a “hen,” while its male counterpart is called a “cock,” just like most birds.
Although some species do not have any gender, you can determine the gender of the parrot when it is 12 months old.
- Parrots have “zygodactyl” feet.
This means it has four toes, but the toes look inverted.
Two face the front while the other two go backward.
This pattern helps it to grab things and climb trees with its feet.
The fourth toe is very flexible and can move when necessary.
- The parrot has three types of feathers:
- The down feathers regulate the parrots’ body temperature.
- The contour feathers cover the head and body of the parrot.
- Flight and tail feathers: this aids in the treatment of bird flu.
The feathers of a parrot are beautiful, multicolored, long, and fragile.
The feather protects the bird from harsh weather conditions.
The antibacterial feathers of parrots help them not get sick.
- Parrots stick with one mate’s partner forever.
If the parrots are in the wild, they will get food together, eat together, and stay close to each other forever.
Parrots also extend this affection to their human owners, especially if the parrot doesn’t have a mate.
They tend to bond with whoever gives them care.
However, this bond is broken when one of the mates dies or is affected by environmental problems such as a shortage of food, climatic changes, or barrenness.
- Parrots are omnivores and can eat anything.
They need lots of protein to boost their immune systems.
- Parrots’ strong beaks help them crack tough nuts and fruits.
- Parrots also drink clean, fresh water and can not survive without it.
- Not all parrots fly. Like the kakapo species,
- A flock of parrots is called a “pandemonium of parrots.”This is because parrots can be loud, chatty, and noisy.
However, if they become extremely noisy, then such a parrot must be sick, injured, or distressed.
- Parrots use sounds to communicate with each other.
Different sounds have different meanings.
- Indians consider parrots sacred and jail anyone who takes them as pets.
- Just like humans, parrots can express emotions.
Some parrots can be quite aggressive, so you need to be well-prepared to have them as pets.
You must give them adequate time and attention unless they tend to become violent and start plucking their feathers.
Parrots also like to be pampered.
- Parrots don’t open their eyes until two weeks after hatching.
Benefits and Disadvantages of Having A Parrot As A Pet
There are benefits and drawbacks to having a parrot as a pet.
It is a known fact that parrots are smart, beautiful, good company, fun, and interesting.
But keeping a parrot as a pet comes with lots of responsibilities.
Some problems you can encounter with parrots as your pet are:
- Parrots can never be truly domesticated.
This is because at any moment they can display the character of a wild bird.
Parrots can be tamed but cannot be fully domesticated.
- It is quite expensive to keep a parrot as a pet.
This is because you have to consistently take care of them and keep them entertained.
Parrots can get so attached to their owner or caretaker that they may become violent toward other household members.
- As parrots get older, their beaks become stronger and can injure humans.
More so, they can destroy the bars of their cage.
- They can constitute a nuisance to your neighbors because of their constant screaming for attention.
However, if you consider these points to be something you can overcome, then go ahead and get a parrot and give them all the love, care, and attention you can.
How To Take Care of A Parrot

- A parrot should be placed in a well-constructed, strong cage with iron bars.
- The cage must be spacious enough so the parrot can move its wings freely.
- Also, make sure the cage is always locked to prevent the parrot from escaping.
- The cage should be kept somewhere well-ventilated but not close to direct sunlight.
- The parrot cage should be cleaned regularly.
This will help the bird stay healthy and calm.
- Parrots need to be fed at least twice a day.
Their food should include proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
- Parrots become distressed when they are bored.
So make sure to keep them well entertained.
- Ensure the toys are hazard-free and chewable.
- Just like humans, parrots need to exercise daily to keep fit, boost their immune systems, and stay healthy.
Having a parrot as a pet is entertaining, but learning fun facts about parrots is even more so.
The more you know about parrots, the more prepared you will be to care for them.
It’s crucial to remember that parrots are wild birds, not domestic ones.
Parrots, on the other hand, can be tamed with perseverance and care.
Having a parrot as a pet also necessitates sufficient time and attention.
Even among children, parrots are the most popular birds.
It is not just multi-colored, bright, and beautiful, but very smart and interesting.
It comes in various types and sizes too.
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