About Us – Mobile


A lot of people want to start an agriculture business and make money from it but don’t know where to start.

Perhaps you are part of those who want to make money from agriculture but you don’t want to get your hands dirty, don’t worry, you can still make that happen.

No matter the category you belong to, Agricfy.com will help you discover new opportunities in Agriculture, learn to do things differently, and also walk you through how you can improve on existing processes.

Agricfy.com is about making life easy for anyone who wants to go into agriculture and make money from agriculture traditionally or otherwise.

We will hold your hands till you get to the top and make things happen for you.

We are your best bet on farming ideas and making money from agriculture.

Get ready to DISCOVER, LEARN and IMPROVE with Agricfy.com

About The Author

Hello, my name is Daniel, a Senior Analyst, Content Creator, 21st-century farmer, and the founder of Agricfy.com.

Before going into agriculture, I had the opportunity to work in two amazing companies as a Financial Analyst and a Senior Analyst. During my working days, I decided to start an agribusiness on the side.

With over 8 years of active participation, several trials and errors, and getting my hands dirty in Agriculture,  I have learned the tricks and discovered alternative ways to make money from agriculture.

My goal is to help people who want to make money from Agriculture but are stuck on how to go about it.

I am ready to take you on a jolly good ride.